I love the fact that we never stop learning about ourselves and that our potential for growth never ceases. I'm beginning to wonder if our potential for growth actually increases as we get older because we can be more in tune with ourselves. I
am learning so much about myself as I am learning some new hobbies...some good stuff...some stuff that I need to grow from. As I learn scuba, I am learning that I have some, what I think are unfounded, fears. It's interesting. What I am also learning is that I have the choice to allow myself to grow out of those fears. As I learn rock climbing I have realized that improvement, even when it is minuscule, is still improvement. I had a friend recently tell me that one of his goals in skiing is to fall down less and I thought what a wonderful growth concept that was. We don't have to be perfect, the goal is to be moving in the positive direction on the growth continuum. Isn't that true in life too? The things I learn....good thing I'm never too old to learn :-)

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